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Tigers In Jim Corbett National Park

Tigers In Jim Corbett National Park

Today this perfect carnivore is a critically endangered species, though once it roamed freely in most of Asia. India is home to the largest population of wild tigers in the world. There are estimated to be only 5000 to 7500 tigers surviving in the world. Out of these, the subspecies found in the Indian subcontinent, the Bengal tiger has 3000 to 4500 surviving members, more than three-fourths of which are in India. The terai-bhabar region, including Corbett, was once the best place to find tigers but this habitat has reduced tremendously due to development-induced land use changes.

jim corbett tigers


Tiger concentrations are among the highest in Corbett. Of India's wild creatures, the tiger (Panthera tigris) is arguably the most well-known. It holds a significant symbolic value in our culture, mythology, and tales, representing the force of nature. It has been revered as the forest's lord and protector. It is thought that approximately two million years ago, in East Asia, tigers began to emerge. After that, they scattered throughout Asia. Three of the eight tiger subspecies that once existed have been extinct.

Since the beginning of Project Tiger, India's tiger conservation initiative, on April 1, 1973, the tiger and Corbett National Park have been closely associated. This relationship was first sparked by the writings of Jim Corbett and other shikaris. Tigers hunt wild boar and deer, mainly sambar but also chital and barking deer. Since greater prey signifies more energy for the effort expended, they select the largest of the prey species. Because of this, it is thought that the density of sambar population is a reliable indicator of tigers' presence. At times, tigers would also prey on baby elephants and capture smaller animals like fish, birds, reptiles, and monkeys.

tigers in corbett

Unless they are females with babies, adult tigers are normally solitary. On the other hand, multiples are occasionally observed together. In general, the home ranges of male and female tigers are kept apart from those of other tigers of the same sex. The home ranges of males are substantially bigger, spanning 60-100 sq. km, but those of females are only about 20 sq. km. Many smaller female home ranges are surrounded by male home ranges. The male protects his territory and the females within it from competing males.

One of the most well known and iconic of Jim Corbett National Park’s residents are tigers, especially the Bengal tiger (Panthera tigers). Jim Corbett National Park created in 1936 in Uttarakhand, India was the first park to be included in the 1973 Project Tiger which was to conserve and protect endangered species.

Tigers love the park’s diverse terrain of riverine, grasslands and deep forests. Because of Corbett’s bio-diversity they thrive. They feed on a wide range of animals including deer, wild boar and sometimes even smaller mammals and birds. Photographers and wildlife enthusiasts from all over the world come to see the beautiful Bengal tiger.

A standout amongst the most eminent and the most seasoned national parks in India, the Jim Corbett National Park is best known for the tigers' heaven. Set up in the year 1936, the Corbett National Park in Nainital locale of Uttarakhand is best known as the initiator of the Project Tiger in India to secure the most imperilled species and the regal of India-the tigers.

The Jim Corbett National Park is spread over a range of 1288 square kilometre with the main area of 521 square kilometres; the zone of Corbett Tiger Reserve is loaded with variation of luxuriance species for a stunning wildlife experience to incorporate the neighbouring zones of Sonanadi Wildlife Sanctuary.

tigers in jim corbett

Population of tigers in Jim Corbett National Park records for a sizeable number of tigers in the nation and has been growing significantly throughout. Preparatory information on tigers in the living space uncovers an expansion of more than 15 % in numbers in the general case that the Corbett holds.  A large number of tourists gather at the Jim Corbett National Park just to witness the Royal tigers and in the recent study by the Wildlife Institute of India, the Jim Corbett National Park has been reported to have more than 215 tigers now. Jungle safari in Corbett is best way the tourists can enjoy the view of tigers and many other wildlife creatures.


Safaris in areas like Dhikala, Bijrani and Jhirna give tourists a chance to see these magnificent animals in their natural habitat. Since tigers are most active in the morning and evening, sightings are more frequent during these times. The park’s conservation efforts are focused on protecting the tigers’ natural habitat, anti-poaching laws and monitoring their numbers to ensure their survival.

Besides being important for tigers, Jim Corbett National Park is India’s commitment to its natural heritage.

Frequently Asked Questions  

1. How many tigers are there in Jim Corbett?

As of latest count there are 225 tigers in Jim Corbett National Park, one of the highest tiger density among Indian national parks.

2. When to see tigers in Jim Corbett?

Best time to see tigers is during summer (March to June) when tigers are more active near water sources. Early morning and late afternoon safaris are the best.

3. Which zones to see tigers in Jim Corbett?

Dhikala and Bijrani are the most popular zones for tiger sightings due to their habitat and tiger density.

4. Top 5-star resorts in Corbett


Uttarakhand's Jim Corbett National Park has many luxurious stay options that offer comfort, scenic views and wildlife experiences. Here is the best 5-star resorts nearby.


Solluna Resort: Solluna Resort in Jim Corbett is located in the picturesque Marchula valley. Set amidst lush greenery and the serene Ramganga River, the resort offers a perfect blend of modern amenities and unadulterated beauty. 

Gourmet food, spa, luxury rooms with forest views, and plenty of leisure activities like nature walks and jungle safaris for the guests. Nature lovers and those looking for a peaceful retreat in the middle of Corbett National Park will find Solluna Resort the perfect place to relax and unwind. It is one of the best 5 star resort  in Jim Corbett.

Jungle safari in jim corbett: An exciting opportunity to get up close and personal with India's abundant animals and unspoiled environment is to go on a jungle safari in Jim Corbett National Park. The park offers a range of safari experiences because it is divided into various zones, each with its own distinct scenery and varied flora and animals.

Vehicle Safari: The most well-liked means of park exploration, vehicle safaris are offered in areas such as Dhikala, Bijrani, Jhirna, and Dhela. Visitors can go through riverine belts, grasslands, and deep forests in these open-top 4x4 vehicles. It is possible for guests to see Bengal tigers, elephants, leopards, deer, and other bird species under the expert care of naturalists.

Canter Safari: Ideal for larger groups, canter safaris are conducted in the Dhikala zone, offering a safe and comfortable


Elephant Safari: Though they are less frequent, elephant safaris offer a special viewpoint for observing the park's fauna and exploring regions that are off-limits to cars. Particularly well-liked are these safaris in the Dhikala and Bijrani regions.


With the visit at the Jim Corbett National Park, people can also enjoy the stay at any of the wildlife resort in Marchula region of Corbett. One of the best resorts in Marchula, Corbett is the Solluna Resort which welcomes its guests with the stunning view of river flowing by its side and the captivating Himalayas surrounding the landscape. The Solluna Resort is rated among the top 5-star resorts in Corbett which has the best facilities and services for their visitors to offer them the maximum comfort and convenience. The variety of cottages and the customized interior of the cottages are breath-taking which makes the stay of the guests more relaxing and fun.

Best Time to Visit: November through June is the best time to go on a jungle safari. Safaris in the early morning and late afternoon are your best bet for seeing animals.

The goal of the jungle safari in Jim Corbett National Park is not only to spot tigers but also to explore the wilderness, comprehend the ecosystem, and take in the breathtaking scenery of one of India's most famous national parks.

A jungle safari in Jim Corbett National Park is a fascinating way to get up close and personal with India's plentiful wildlife and pristine environment. The park provides a variety of safari experiences because it is divided into zones, each with its own unique scenery, flora, and fauna.
